Remedy Mobile Web App

Remedy general information slide

Date: Mar. 2019 - June 2019
Hours spent: ~40 hours
Key terms: Medicine, Health, Mobile Web App, Ideating, Storyboarding, Paper Prototype, Wireframing, Marvel, Programming, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Github, PostgresSQL

In a team of 4, we developed a medical mobile web app that informs athletes about general injuries, allows them to find doctors and pharmacies, which then allows them to log their injuries, and submit them to their respective doctors. This project is more coding-focused than design focused.

I got to further improve many skills involving computer language (HTML, CSS, Javascript), version control (GitHub), and digital wireframing (Marvel). I even got to learn a bit about PostgreSQL and API implementation. I also got to further improve my skills in needfinding, storyboarding, paper prototyping, user testing, and visual design.

View the App

1. Ideating

We decided to look for and address issues that affect users unlike ourselves. My team, not involved in any sports or athletics, decided to create a medical app that would be targeted towards everyday athletes. We thought about how athletes’ bodies undergo a lot of strain and are prone to different injuries based on their respective sport.

2. Storyboarding

To get an idea on how our app would be used, we created two somewhat different storyboards showing user case scenarios. Storyboard 1 focuses on the ability to look up home remedies and log their injuries. Storyboard 2 focuses on the ability to locate a nearby doctor and report the user’s injury logs to them.

Storyboard 1 focused on finding remedies
Storyboard 2 focused on locating and communicating with doctors

3. Digital Paper Prototype/Wireframes

Before making the app, we first needed to create a low fidelity wireframe prototype to determine the visual design and user flow of the app. We used Marvel to create the wireframes.

Paper prototype/wireframe of homepage
Paper prototype/wireframe of injury logs page
Paper prototype/wireframe of injuries based on human body
Paper prototype/wireframe of common injuries based on sport
Paper prototype/wireframe of injury information page
Paper prototype/wireframe of map locator page
Paper prototype/wireframe of doctor information page
Paper prototype/wireframe of pharmacy information page
Paper prototype/wireframe of contact doctor page
Paper prototype/wireframe of profile page
Paper prototype/wireframe of sign in page
Paper prototype/wireframe of dropdown menu

However with this wireframe, we further refined our design by redesigning the Home, Injury Log, and Injury List pages. We felt that the Home page was too cluttered, so we simplified it to 4 buttons that lead to the different features of the web app. For the Injury Log page, it was very basic visually, so we separated each entry into their own box, as well as, having the past and current injuries in seperate tabs for less confusion when there are more entries. For the Injury List page, although the original design of using an interactable human body as an accessible method of selcting injuries, we felt that it would have been very difficult to implement. Instead, we decided using sports as the selector, which further allows the user to identify their injuries based on common injuries for the selected sport.

Redesigned homepage wireframe using button layout
Redesigned current injuries log page wireframe using individual boxing
Redesigned injury list page wireframe using image list

4. Prototype

Over the course of 5 weeks, we developed the app. We used HTML, CSS, Javascript for development, used PostgreSQL for our database, used Github for version control, and deployed to Heroku for viewing. We also implemented a Google Maps and Yelp API.

Prototype home page
Prototype current injuries log page
Prototype past injuries log page
Prototype adding new injury page
Prototype injuries list page
Prototype sports list injuries page
Prototype injury information page
Prototype map
Prototype pharmacy information page
Prototype doctor information page
Prototype profile page
Prototype help page